#22 Nomadic 台灣廊系列介紹 Co-hosting with Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast

今天這集是我與Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人 Podcast 的 Cynthia 合作的Nomadic 台灣廊系列第一集! 作為土生土長台灣人的Angie和美國華裔第二代的Cynthia在今天這一集,我們聊到我們家庭背景的教育觀念、在異地時因為這些成長文化而有的衝擊、在台灣英文這個語言被行銷時的所使用的詭異邏輯、 以及各種政治不正確的自身體驗(?) Taiwanese Diaspora 是由Cynthia Lin 所主持、以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.Taiwanese Diaspora 是以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.好奇槓鈴則是訪健身訓練產業的創業家、教練、醫療專業人員、留學生的專業知識以及人生故事.在「Nomadic 台灣廊」系列,我們將訪談那些在不同國家間穿梭的台灣子民們,探討在這樣的生活形式下,這些人是如何理解自己的身分、他們與台灣文化和家人的關係、以及怎麼與各地文化互動、建立生活圈(或者斷捨離)的故事. Welcome to Nomadic 台灣廊, a collaborative bilingual podcast series presented by Curious Barbell and Taiwanese Diaspora to amplify voices from Taiwanese communities around the world. You may know Angie from the Curious Barbell and Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora. Here on the Nomadic 台灣廊 podcast series, you’ll hear us interviewing people who choose alternative career and life paths, rather than taking the more conventional and stable paths. Sometimes, these choices take them abroad, enabling them to move frequently rather than staying in a single place for long periods of time. Some topics we explore in this series include: personal identity and growth, deciding when and how to change it up, familial relationships, interacting with local communities, saying farewell, and a lot more. Conversations will be primarily in Mandarin Chinese and English. We’re very excited to invite you along for the ride! 本系列訪談將主要放在 Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast 頻道上,如果你對這些主題有興趣,歡迎追蹤: Taiwanese Diaspora  https://www.instagram.com/twdiaspora/ https://taiwanesediaspora.com/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
今天這集是我與Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人 Podcast 的 Cynthia 合作的Nomadic 台灣廊系列第一集!
作為土生土長台灣人的Angie和美國華裔第二代的Cynthia在今天這一集,我們聊到我們家庭背景的教育觀念、在異地時因為這些成長文化而有的衝擊、在台灣英文這個語言被行銷時的所使用的詭異邏輯、 以及各種政治不正確的自身體驗(?)
Taiwanese Diaspora 是由Cynthia Lin 所主持、以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.Taiwanese Diaspora 是以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.好奇槓鈴則是訪健身訓練產業的創業家、教練、醫療專業人員、留學生的專業知識以及人生故事.在「Nomadic 台灣廊」系列,我們將訪談那些在不同國家間穿梭的台灣子民們,探討在這樣的生活形式下,這些人是如何理解自己的身分、他們與台灣文化和家人的關係、以及怎麼與各地文化互動、建立生活圈(或者斷捨離)的故事.
Welcome to Nomadic 台灣廊, a collaborative bilingual podcast series presented by Curious Barbell and Taiwanese Diaspora to amplify voices from Taiwanese communities around the world. You may know Angie from the Curious Barbell and Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora. Here on the Nomadic 台灣廊 podcast series, you’ll hear us interviewing people who choose alternative career and life paths, rather than taking the more conventional and stable paths. Sometimes, these choices take them abroad, enabling them to move frequently rather than staying in a single place for long periods of time. Some topics we explore in this series include: personal identity and growth, deciding when and how to change it up, familial relationships, interacting with local communities, saying farewell, and a lot more. Conversations will be primarily in Mandarin Chinese and English. We’re very excited to invite you along for the ride!
本系列訪談將主要放在 Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast 頻道上,如果你對這些主題有興趣,歡迎追蹤:
Taiwanese Diaspora 

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#22 Nomadic 台灣廊系列介紹 Co-hosting with Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast
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