The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.
Latest Episodes
#89 Capoeira As a Way of Life - Mestre Pinga Fogo/ Gui Torres on Moving from Brazil to America, Differences Between Teaching Capoeria to Adults and Kids
I'm so honored to have Mestre Pinga Fogo ( Gui Torres) from Benção Capoeira on the show today! He is my Capoeira instructor here in Austin. In this heart-warming conve...

#88 媽媽不只是媽媽,也是女兒- 孕產婦身心靈健康 ft.心之悅翎吳秀娟老師
📚 點擊追蹤安吉的寫書資訊 👉成為媽媽的心事蝦郎災?今天安吉有幸請到讓我飆淚千百次的來賓:台中心之悅翎孕產婦小天地的吳秀娟老師(拍掌尖叫)!吳老師在這集和我們分享孕婦在懷孕常有的迷思、身體和情緒關係、他所看到女人成為媽媽後各種心路歷程,以及懷孕、生產和當媽後身體要注意的事.F...

#87 Healing Our (Chinese) (Creative) Inner Child Through Writing ft. Valerie
(Note: this episode was recorded back in June 2023)My guest today is Valerie! Valerie is @vals_pals_ on Twitter. She is a computer science graduate,work in finance, an...

#86 Contours of Courageous Parenting ft. Karena de Souza
My guest on this episode is Karena de Souza. Karena is a strategist, speaker, and coach focusing on GenZ and the Future of Work. She is a mother of three, the youngest...

#85 Building Her Pathless Path in the Education Field and Nomadic Living ft. Kelly Davis
My guest today is Kelly Davis. Kelly is from the U.S and is currently based in Lisbon, Portugal. Before Lisbon, she spent the last ten years in Asia, especially in Tai...